Laert Beqiri - CAA Application





• 1.0 - Title: Dr
• 1.1 - Forename & Surname: Laert Beqiri
• 1.2 - Date of birth: 30/11/1991
• 1.3 - Place of birth: Albania
• 1.4 - Country of residency: Los Santos San Andreas, USA
• 1.5 - Languages spoken: English, Albanian

• 1.6 - Address - Including Area Code: Los Santos, Perishing Square, Intergrity Building
• 1.7 - Contact Number: ((TBA))
• 1.8 - Email Address: [email protected]

• 1.9 - Do you possess a valid driving license?: YES
• 1.9(a) - Do you have any sanctions associated with your driving license?: No.
• 1.9(b) -Do you possess any other licenses?: - (PF/CCW/GC/ANY OTHER LICENSE) No.
• 2.1 - Highest Educational Grade Achieved: Ph.D in Political Science and Law
• 2.2 - Date Achieved: 14 September 2019
• 2.3 - Establishment Achieved: University of Los Santos SA.
• 3.1 - Name of employer: Democratic Party of Albania
• 3.2 - Position held: 2nd Councelor of party leader
• 3.3 - Date's of employment: 25 October 2019

• 4.1 - Why do you wish to join the Office of Cultural Affairs?: - (Minimum of 50 words)
The reason why I'd like to join the Office of Cultural Affairs is that I want to contribute to a change in our community. As someone who's fairly experienced in this field for my age, with my education level, and from my own experiences coming from what is considered a minority in our state, I think I have the skills to be at my full potential in this job position.

• 5.1 - What skills do you believe you can bring to this Office?: - (Minimum of 50 words)
Well, I'd like to believe that I'm quite eloquent and hardworking. I'm quite outgoing and very effective when working on terrain. Being a member of a minority in Los Santos, makes me believe that I'm more accessible and relatable to our citizens. For that same reason, I think that I'd be able to provide the office with different views and suggestions, which ultimately will expand our collective knowledge and quality of service.

• 5.2 - How would you describe your level of computer literacy?:
I'm very capable of using a computer and its software. However, I'm not capable of programming or developing software.

• 5.3 - How do you tend to organize your workload?:
I like a strict schedule for myself. If I'm working alone and delegating some of my work is impossible, then my schedule is my savior. Yes, I can multitask, but I'm a strong believer that doing more than one thing at a time, reduces the overall end-product quality. However, I can and will multitask if need be. I'm not shy of asking for help when things get tough despite liking to take as many responsibilities as possible on me.

• 5.1 - Provide a screenshot of your character's stats: - (Include a screen of your character that is Lvl5+)
• 5.2 - Provide a link to screenshot of your admin record for ALL character's:



• 5.3 - OOC Location: Albania
• 5.4 - Timezone: GMT +1
• 5.5 - Are you a member of any other faction?: No
• 5.5(a) - Do you have double faction permission?: No
• 5.6 - Discord ID: Gambler#2080

I certify that all content within this application is true & accurate. I declare that should any information within this application is found to be false, I will be denied & future applications to the Los Santos Government may be at risk.

((I also declare that I do not intend to join this position for the purposes of being corrupt & I will consult with Faction Leaders prior to the commencement of any corrupt activities))

Signed: Laert Beqiri
Date: 26/02/2022

Re: Laert Beqiri - CAA Application

Dear Dr Beqiri,

Thank you for your application. We would like to inform you that your information is currently being processed, and your application's current status is PENDING. Please wait to hear back from one of our representatives within the next 24 hours, when we expect your application to have been processed.

Kind regards,
Allegra Nixon
Head of Cultural Affairs

Re: Laert Beqiri - CAA Application

Dear Dr Beqiri,

Thank you for your application. We would like to inform you that your information has been processed, and your application has been ACCEPTED. You will be contacted by our representative soon for the final interview.

Kind regards,
Alastair Crawford
Head of Cultural Affairs